A web application that simplifies the process of quoting hardware by seamlessly incorporating authentication, authorization, email notification support, and a range of other vital functionalities.
I'm a self-taught developer, who likes to create interesting projects that can help people do their chores more easily and fast.
A web application that simplifies the process of quoting hardware by seamlessly incorporating authentication, authorization, email notification support, and a range of other vital functionalities.
A real-world website for a company in the construction business. This website includes a quote functionality, send-email support, and more. It was built with Next.js and Strapi.
A command-line tool built with Deno and TypeScript that allows you to generate random and secure passwords.
A web application of a functional replica of the "wordle" game built with Vite and React 18.
A web application that integrates a complete dashboard to help the company to manage all its customers. It was built with Next.js and Nest.js.
A web application to track all products that contain, may contain or are free of gluten, also you can keep track of the places or restaurants that offer gluten-free food.